Home Garrettsville Sky Plaza IGA Open House a Success

Sky Plaza IGA Open House a Success


Garrettsville – Sky Plaza IGA held an Open House last Friday night that featured their Seafood Road Show, food samples, displays in each department, Santa Claus, and Marine  Mike Rowe who brought his holiday letters to a service member project. The event began at 4 pm and ran until 8pm and was an opportunity for the public to see what their “Hometown Proud” IGA Store had to offer them for the holidays and everyday. Owners Rich and Darlene Hoffman were on hand to welcome the community and answer any questions they might have about the store.

Pictured above are Austin Zarrelli, Santa Claus, Nicholaus Zarrelli, Mike Rowe, Rich and Darlene Hoffman and Michael Zarrelli. The Zarelli family took time out from their shopping to visit santa and marine Mike Rowe at IGA Open House last friday.
Pictured above are Austin Zarrelli, Santa Claus, Nicholaus Zarrelli, Mike Rowe, Rich and Darlene Hoffman and Michael Zarrelli. The Zarelli family took time out from their shopping to visit santa and marine Mike Rowe at IGA Open House last friday.

Many folks took advantage of the two day Seafood Road Show, which offered fresh lobster tails, shrimp, salmon, crab legs and more. Others were checking out the bakery, which had a great display of pastries, cookie trays and cakes for all ones holiday needs, which included samples that were delicious.

The produce department showcased their fruit baskets and veggie trays, while the deli offered meat trays and cheese trays or a combination of both, for all your holiday parties.  The meat department was promoting their holiday classics like hams, standing rib roasts USDA Choice angus beef, and, of course, turkeys. The dairy department was handing out free pint-size chocolate milk or eggnog to each customer.

IGA also has a great beverage selection. They carry Pepsi and Coca-Cola products along with the IGA brand and others.  For those who enjoy adult beverages, they also carry a great selection of wine and beer.

The boys and girls had a chance to visit with Santa, telling him all their desires for this Christmas. While the kids waited in line to see Santa, they could choose an ornament from the gift-giving tree that had a servicemen or women’s address on it so they could send a letter to one of them for the holidays. This was a project started by Rowe. Rowe is a Marine who served in 1964 during the Viet Nam era and remembers how heartwarming it was to receive a letter from home during the holidays. He said it was a memory that he hasn’t forgotten and that is why he implemented this project.

Rich and Darlene have been in the grocery business in Garrettsville for 25 years and have owned the IGA store for nearly five years. They are members of the Garrettsville Area Chamber and participate in community activities such as the Masquerade Ball and have sponsored Garrettsville SummerFest’s Kiddies Pedal Tractor Pulls. Both Darlene and Rich really enjoy working in the store and usually can be found in the store working right along side their employees.

The store is located at 8283 Windham Street and is open daily 7am – 9pm. Their holiday hours are Christmas Eve 7am – 6pm, New Years Eve 7am- 9pm and New Years Day they will be open 8am – 6pm. The store will be closed Christmas Day so their employees can spend the day with their families.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography