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Silver Creek Garden Club News


Garrettsville – The Silver Creek Garden Club of Garrettsville recently toured the hydroponic lettuce production facility at Mantua Gardens. Ryan Hyde and Darin Kelley gave the tour and an in-depth talk about lettuce from seeds to final product. Mantua Gardens sells their “living” lettuce to area stores and restaurants. They also have a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) where members can join and receive 4 heads of lettuce per week. They are open to the public. After touring the facility, club members were able to purchase lettuce; they also stocked up on annual and perennial plants. Lunch was served at Marlene Szabaga’s house where the menu included dishes made with Mantua Gardens Swiss chard and Sweet Crisp lettuce. Celeste Richards co-hosted.

The next meeting will be a Horticultural Tour at Akron Zoo on June 24.  New members are always welcome. For more information contact Marlene Szabaga 330-274-8861.


Anton Albert Photography