Home Garrettsville Serving Fun and Community Impact: Grand Opening of Pickleball Courts and Several...

Serving Fun and Community Impact: Grand Opening of Pickleball Courts and Several Upcoming Fundraising Events Around the Area


This was a “Really Big Dill”…the Grand Opening of the Park Avenue Pickleball Courts at the Craig Moser Park on Park Avenue across from the Y. This was to officially launch the use of the newly-created facility. This event was organized and attended by members of the Garrettsville Pickleball Association, as well as numerous individuals interested in learning more about “the fastest-growing sport in the U.S.” Also in attendance were the mayor and his lovely wife, chef extraordinaire, Greg McDivitt ( a mean slinger of hot dogs), and a collection of youngsters (some of ‘em kinda old) interested in a new activity. The courts–three of them–will be available until the snow flies, with scheduled open play on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Saturdays with players of varying skill levels rotating in and out of games, allowing others to ‘Play and learn” and meet others interested in the game. Once the snowmen move in, the game moves indoors at the Y.

Court behavior rules are posted. There is a small patio and tables outside the courts for spectators and those waiting for a chance to show their stuff and get their workout. You could also pick up your breakfast/lunch/brunch to sit and watch the ones hustling on-court. This is a social, as well as an athletic sport, open to all ages and abilities. There have been kids there playing, there have been teachers from the elementary school playing some afternoons, there have been couples learning the ropes together; it’s a community activity. Membership in the Garrettsville Pickleball Association is open to all and will get you a GPA t-shirt, for only $25. There was a gentleman hawking genn-yoo-wine (You could also bring that to the patio, I suppose.) official pickleball equipment and passing out business cards; he travels around doing this kind of events, apparently. Future tournaments and leagues are in the planning stages, so are future court up grades. More information is available on the GPA Facebook page (Of course). The mission of the GPA is to promote and develop the game of Pickleball for all in the Garrettsville area. So far, so good.

Speaking of which, kudos to the dudes of the Village Maintenance Department who took the old tennis/skateboard space and turned it into the three brand-new pickleball courts. GPA members showed up to paint the fencing, enhancing the look of the facility; it’s been an ongoing project, with plenty of participation. Credit too, to Kim Curry and the Garrettsville Family Y for hosting the indoor courts and activities up to this point and continuing during the approaching deep freeze.

Other events within my ken in the area include a couple of benefit dinners for persons suffering with major health issues : Pattie White–October 21, Cairo Svonavec–October 28–both featuring basket raffles and other fund-raising efforts. Seats are still available; get yours or make a donation now. Friday night’s home football game 50/50 raffle featured a sizeable pot which was dedicated to Benny Bailey, a GES fifth grader battling cancer; the winner of the drawing graciously donated the entire amount to the cause. Go, G-Men.
The annual Chamber Chili cook-off will not conflict–time-wise–with any of these, so head on down to the Buckeye Block on October 21 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Either bring your own secret recipe bucketful of chili or come hungry and ready to sample. We’re not “South of the Border” (Canada does not count when it comes to hot stuff, poutine is not in the running) but we do have some flamin’ hot cooks in town. Bring your air-cooled esophagus and chow down.

One other event which I attended–and which will be repeated–was at the Garrettsville branch of the PCDL (They have all sorts of programs and activities, Check ‘em out.), when a collection of students from JAG High School came to assist oldsters such as myself to deal with issues on electronic devices–cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc., maybe fancy watches, for all I know. Four young men were at my table and they were very helpful. They were also quite amazed at how much I did not know about much of anything. They were very polite, but you could practically hear their eyes roll whenever I asked things like, “How do you Google that?” They put folders on my laptop and showed me how to take things off of my phone. I will try to go back to the next session…assuming that I am available and not blocked when I need to park my horse & buggy.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography