Home Other Areas Senior Citizen Van Continues Service

Senior Citizen Van Continues Service


Newton Falls – Yes, the Newton Falls Senior Citizen Van Organization has  no meeting place at Newton Falls Community Center anymore.  It is hard to reach people who ride or want to ride the Newton Falls Senior Citizen van.  We used to be able to give people flyers with our information.  We do hold meetings the third Wednesday of each month at the VFW Post on Arlington Road, and we thank them for providing a warm location.  We would invite all interested people who are concerned about the van, the program, and the van fund.

We try to serve riders for weekday lunches, now held in Lordstown, and we try to meet doctor appointment requests.  We also try to meet requests for veterans to get to Ravenna in order to catch a bus to the VA Hospital.  Because of the budget, we have not been able to take many social trips.  However, a trip is scheduled for April 9, Quilting ‘n’ Cuisine, to see quilt shops, sample some food, and have lunch.  We will meet at the community center parking lot at 9 a.m.  Call Suzie Lane at 330-883-6902 for more details if you are interested in this trip.  We hope to arrange a trip in March to Hartville Kitchen.

If you need a ride, please call this phone number and we will get back to you to make arrangements:  (330)314-8900.  Everyone, please share this number with area residents who might not read this article.

We would welcome any financial assistance to help our van remain the valued service that it is.  Our account is housed at Huntington Bank in Newton Falls.  Thank you for your time and support.


Anton Albert Photography