Home News Scouts Clean Walking Path in Newton Falls

Scouts Clean Walking Path in Newton Falls


NFScoutsNewton Falls – Boy Scout Troop 112 of Newton Falls was rechartered by Amvets Post 112 in 2010. Since then every spring the boys have taken on the task of cleaning up the walking path in Newton Falls. This year, with a growing number of boys coming into the troop, we were able to have 2 groups of boys go in 2 different directions. The first group of boys cleaned up the path going towards the community center and baseball fields. They also took on the task of cleaning up the community pond. The second group went from the covered bridge out to main street and back up North Center St. Keeping America Beautiful is sponsored by the Geauga Trumbull Solid Waste Management District which donated garbage bags, gloves and wild flower seed packets.

Pictured from L-R Back: Billy Simmons, Alex Shearer, Jason Jones, Assistant Patrol Leader Harrison Bates, Nathaniel Saylor, Larry Cline (behind Nathaniel), Anthony Bailey, Patrol Leader Vincent Bailey, BJ Thomas. Front L-R Johnny Staton & Chad Bates. (not pictured: Jr. Assistant Scout Master Matthew Gushura, Senior Patrol Leader Bucyrus Palo, Chaplains Aide Alan Cohn.)

For more information on Boy Scout Troop 112, Please contact Trish Gushura at 330-507-3886 (text or call), troop112@yahoo.com or visit Boy Scout Troop 112 on Facebook.



Anton Albert Photography