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Rotary Report


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians met on February 3, 20014 to look back with pride and a sense of accomplishment  on the 2014 incarnation of Family Week and its culmination in Family Fun Day ( see last week’s Villager) and to move on to planning a bigger and better event for next year.  Book the Balloon Man!

This involved setting up a rubric for all aspects of the long-range outline and establishing working relationships with the   groups and individuals who helped to make this year’s production such a success.  The proposals involved considerations of calendar issues establishing a time line, early contacts with service providers,  designating committee chairpersons, creating a point person position to be the co-ordinator for the entire operation and some technical upgrades for the treasurer.  It’s “Onward and Upward!” for sure.

Additionally, a suggestion has been made that the club should consider establishing some kind of an award or scholarship for the students participating in the Garfield Interact club who help out at activities such as this and the roadside clean-up.  Consultation with the school administration over the criteria to be established will be on-going.  Target date for this will be June, 2014.

Both Windham and Garfield schools have received information on requirements for the approaching Four-Way Speech Contest.  The competition is in March and the local club is hoping for strong competition here at home and  outstanding representation at the district level.  There is recognition and reward to be found at both levels.  Students are encouraged to look into the possibilities.

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary meets on Monday evenings in the Hiram College Dining Hall at 5:30.  The public is invited to investigate the community  service opportunities.


Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography