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Rotary Report


Elf Helpers, sign up for your Santa delivery of Christmas gifts ASAP.  Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are co-ordinating the personal visits by the “right jolly old elf” again this year.  For many families, it is a tradition  stretching across generations, so you’ll want to make sure that you  sign up and get the packages that you’d like to be delivered to either The Business Works or McCumbers-Brady Realty on Main St., Garrettsville.  There is no charge for the service but donations will be turned over to the local People Tree to ensure that others in the community will have a happy holiday as well.

Please   make your requests and bring in your gifts-to-go by the December 20th deadline so that Dasher and Dancer and Donner and Blitzen, et al. will be able to get their GPS bearings and routes worked out ahead of time.

Other  Rotary business goes on as usual :

Tom Collins is scouting around the Garrettsville area for locations that the club can “spruce up” or be instrumental in focusing on to enhance perceptions of  the community’s attractions.  First in line is the Headwaters Trail.

The need for an electronic file in some form to maintain continuity and account for details of operation in regard to the club’s regular projects and contributions is being discussed.   This would constitute an operations manual of sorts to help members new to the organization.

The Aurora club hosted a program  concerning the use of electronic media to promote the Rotary “brand” and   enlarge membership.

A Rotary Youth Exchange Roundtable  was to be held in Akron.

Final figures on the funds raised by the Reverse Raffle are still coming in.  Community support was, as usual, excellent.

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary meets on Monday evenings in the Hiram College Dining Hall—5:30-6:00 for dinner, 6:00-7:00 for program.


Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography