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Rotary Report


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary is on the move to sponsor another Rotary Youth Exchange candidate.  Rachel Schwan is beginning her trip through the required protocols and papers to reach her goal of spending her senior year abroad.  Carol Donley is the club liaison for the undertaking.

The trash pick-up for St. Rte 82 between Garrettsville and Hiram is on hold.

The District Governor will be the program for the next meeting .  Solar energy is on the plate sometime in November.  Raffle tickets are coming.

The Business Showcase on October 17, partnering with the Portage County Park District will be the next big activity, to be followed by the Reverse Raffle in November at the SugarBush Golf Club.

Can the Santa Claus Delivery Project be far behind?

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography