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Rotary Report


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians met September 30 in the Hiram College Dining Hall to make the acquaintance of a prospective foreign exchange student.  Rachel Schwan and her mother, Lisa Schwan, came, hopeful of gaining the group’s support for participation in the Rotary International Student Exchange  program.   Rachel expressed an interest in Iceland as her first choice but would be  amenable to just about any possibilities.  Her interest had been sparked, in part, by the Garfield guidance counselor, Jennifer Alvim, and by the participation of Jessica Lyons during the 2012-2013 school year.  Her graduation requirements will be completed before departure so that she will be able to spend her senior year in whichever country is her final destination.  Members chipped  in with their own experiences and information and began making plans for  advancing the application process so that this dream can come true.  Carol Donley is the group’s youth exchange  officer and will be assisting in the preparations.

Roadside clean-up looms.  It is to be hoped that Interact  and Boy Scout volunteers will be part of the mix.

The Reverse Raffle fundraiser is the next big event on the horizon.  Lists and tickets and catering  arrangements are activities now on the agenda.  Tickets will be available soon.  Get your tables together.

District Governor Bob Johnson of the Middlefield club will be making an official visitation on October 21.

The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club is planning to join the Garrettsville Chamber of Commerce as a community member.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography