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Rotary Report


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are gearing up for the start of their fall club activities by fortifying themselves at the steak fry on August 19.  Hot grill, cool beverages, pot-luck  accompaniments, good company….  Way to go, Rotary.  New members welcome!

Speaking of which…Kim Kohli and Delores McCumbers will be attending membership events at two different locations in the district to further the club’s efforts in that area.

Attending the local meeting was George Schumacher, ass’t. district governor, who brought up the imminent  district night out at the Indians game on August 23, “Rotary Night” at Progressive Field.  He also highlighted the theme for the year in Rotary International : Engage Rotary.  Change the World.

Other projects and efforts are on the horizon as well: Reverse Raffle ( the club’s principal fund-raising activity) on November 7 at SugarBush Golf Club, an article on club doings for the district newsletter, consideration of a project  to enhance the Bike & Hike Headwaters Trail (possibly with the co-operation of the Mantua Rotary Club) steered by Tom Collins,  involvement  in the bid for a local historical marker at the site of the former Erie Railroad station featured in Julie Thompson’s recent presentation on the Last Great Train Robbery in the United States, which took place in Garrettsville in 1935.  Lots of  interesting possibilities; many opportunities to do good at ho0me and around the world.  Lots of places for new members to make a worthwhile contribution.

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary meets on Monday evenings, beginning August 26 in the Hiram College Dining Hall , starting at 5:30.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography