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Rotary Report


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are gearing up for more activities on their very busy calendar.
It’s never too early to begin thinking about the fall fund-raiser, the website project, the   quest for new members, the Santa Claus delivery night, Family Week, even the Four-Way Speech Competition next spring.  Possibly new on the list: sponsorship of a hole in the  Jeremy Collins Foundation Memorial Golf Outing to be held at Sugar Bush Golf Course on August 10 (For more information, contact a Collins or Jessica Kohler with the Charles Auto Family).  Prospective members    (Folks who signed up at the Rotary booth during the SummerFest) will be invited to attend a meeting and get a look at the programs enjoyed by the local group as well as the national and international projects that are open for involvement.  The Rotary International theme for this year is : Engage Rotary.   Change Lives.
Here’s your chance.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography