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Rotary Report


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary reflected on a number of things at their most recent meeting in the Hiram College Dining Hall. To wit :
Jim Irwin’s account of the Tall Ships event in Cleveland sponsored by the Rotary Club of Cleveland—interesting but HOT.
Local flooding…with pictures on cell phones, natch…and recollections of other flood events.
Discussion of the names of those with some interest in Rotary acquired during the SummerFest and thoughts on inviting these individuals to a meeting  in September.
The annual steak-fry to be held on August 19, with invitations to neighboring clubs and district officers.  Plans for making this event a success, as usual.
Comments by Tom Collins on the Portage County Park District’s plans to hire individuals to remove invasive species from as much and as many of the District’s land holdings as possible.
A message from the district governor’s office urging all clubs to make their contributions to the Rotary International Foundation to support its ongoing work.
A reminder that dues are due.
Lights out.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography