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Rotary Report


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians continued their planning for the coming year by reviewing program prospects, including a visit from the GSETeam–a feature of a Rotary exchange program for young adults in business careers, Tyler Brady of the Cleveland Youth Woodwind Symphony–lately returned from a European tour, a send-off(July 30) for Jessica Lyons who will be leaving for Norway as part of a Rotary exchange program for high school students, Jim Frame and his connection to the Gift of Life program, reports from the local RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Assembly) attendees –with an invitation to current Interact members, the annual steak-fry to be held at the home of Ed Perdian of August 27.

Other topics of discussion included the semi-annual dues report, contacting past members to encourage re-joining at this time, the possibility of sponsoring a bowling league, housekeeping items having to do with the care and maintenance of the village fountain near the Boardwalk and falls beautification in general.

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary meets on Monday evenings in the Kennedy Center at Hiram College at 5:30.  All are welcome to come and discover what Rotary is all about.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography