Home Other Areas Rotary Fit-n-Fun Family Festival set for May 15th

Rotary Fit-n-Fun Family Festival set for May 15th


It was “business as usual” for  the members of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary on May 2, 2016, meeting at Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville, 12:00p.m.—sharp! No funny business; just the usual stuff.

Christian Crawford will also be attending RYLA sessions this summer.

Information has arrived about the possible next Rotary Student Exchange participant, from Germany.  Families are always needed to host these kids; contact a Rotary member for information about bringing this experience to your family; three host families are required for each student.

Discussions are still under way concerning a formal application for the awarding of a Rotary scholarship, this year’s will be chosen as usual  but change is coming.

Public service note : take a look at the daffodils at the fountain by the Boardwalk; they’re a long-ago Rotary project.

Shoebox projects are on the drawing board for next year.  This year’s InterAct group did a splendid job in sending off ten of these to encourage school attendance  among poverty-stricken youth in Nicaragua.

The little library book collection continues; the Y and the United Way are co-operating with the Portage Cluster to collect and distribute books on the RED shelves.  The District 6630 book project—BLUE shelves—send reading materials to shelters.

The Fit-n-Fun Family Festival is on for Sunday, May 15, at the South Street Park in Garrettsville from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.  Ronald McDonald will be making an appearance, as will Garrettsville’s K-9 officer, Jack and the Garrettsville-Freedom-Nelson Volunteer Fire Department—with trucks!  There will be healthy snacks available, bike demo’s, bandannas from the Portage Park District, an excursion on the Headwaters Trail, which begins at the South Street Park.  Adults interested in a free (donations gladly accepted, must be 18 or older)glucose blood test can get one at the Festival.  Prizes for participation on the day and over the summer will be awarded—last year two bikes were given in the fall for keeping a fitness journal over the summer, this year local prizes may include movie passes, bowling outings, things that can be done by families together.  Information is going out.  Plan to bring the family for a fine and fit time that may inspire you all year.

A plan for a clean-up day on Silver/Eagle Creek beneath the Boardwalk is taking shape.  More info at a later date.

The anniversary celebration for the 90th year of existence of Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary may be moving to the date of the summer steak-fry in August (second Monday, August 8).  Members of the Portage Cluster and other local clubs will be on the invitations list, as well as Cheryl Warren, past district governor and any local past members wishing to join in the festivities.  Preparations are on-going.  Save the date.

An additional donation to the Garfield after-prom will be going out to help keep local teens safe and happy.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography