Home Mantua Rotary Club Supports Mantua Through the Winter Months & Beyond

Rotary Club Supports Mantua Through the Winter Months & Beyond


Although the Rotary Club of Mantua was founded in 1946, the organization continues to be an active force for good in the community almost 80 years later. For example, during the first week in December, the Rotary hosted their first Merry Christmas Tree fundraising event during a busy holiday shopping week in the Village of Mantua. The club purchased 20 table-top Christmas trees and asked local merchants, businesses, and organizations to decorate the trees in a manner that reflected their business.  Trees were displayed in individual shops or in a collection at Crooked River Flowers, Gifts, and More. The event was a success, raising money for Rotary projects, and the merchants liked the extra attention their businesses received. Jake’s Eats was named the ‘People’s Choice’ winner; their tree received the highest bid. 

Later that month, Rotarian Sandy Karm delivered a load of gently used children’s books donated by Rotary members to fill the shelves of the Little Red Bookcase in the lobbies at Crestwood Primary and Intermediate Schools. Built and installed several years ago, the club maintains donations for students to take home, read, and exchange for new-to-them books. A fresh supply of books arrived just in time for students to enjoy over the long winter break. Education and Literacy are a focus of Rotary International, and the installation at Crestwood’s elementary schools provides Crestwood kids a free access to read, enjoy, and if they wish, keep the books they love. 

In January, the first speakers of the 2024 Rotary Speaker Series were Club President David Becker and club member Kendra Becker. The Beckers shared photos and details about their canoe excursion on the Boundary Waters of Northern Minnesota. The program was well attended by club members and many local outdoor adventuring non-members, as well. 

In early February, Crestwood Schools Superintendent Dr. David Toth addressed the Rotary and their guests.  In his presentation, Dr. Toth shared some of the challenges facing the district, as well as some of the new initiatives the district is implementing to combat those challenges. In mid-February, Rotarian Steve Zabor arranged a Zoom presentation by the Cleveland Audubon Society. The topic was Sparrows and Finches of Northeast Ohio. Many folks are watching their birdfeeders to beat the winter doldrums and catch a glimpse life outside during this dreary season. As a result, the presentation was popular, especially with novice bird enthusiast hoping to learn more about their feathered visitors. 

Be on the lookout later this spring, when the Rotary Club will install two swing benches in Buchert Park with the assistance of the Village’s Service Department. The swings were purchased for the Village thanks to a Rotary District 6633 grant.  

The Rotary Club of Mantua meets on the first three Thursdays of each month at 7 pm in the Restoration 44 Coffee Company Community Room. Members and interested parties are invited to enjoy dinner at 6:30 pm (at a small cost) prior to the meeting. For more information, visit the Rotary Club of Mantua on Facebook or call (330)569-7063. 

Stacy Turner