Home Freedom Roll Up Your Sleeves: Work Party to Sort Freedom Township Treasures

Roll Up Your Sleeves: Work Party to Sort Freedom Township Treasures


Freedom Township Historical Society’s first program of 2024 will be a work program held at the Drakesburg School, 7276 St Rt 303 on Tuesday April 9 at 7 PM.  The “work” will consist of sorting and organizing old newspaper wedding photos, newspaper articles about our churches and Freedom Center, alumni pictures and articles, Room Mothers, sports articles and pictures and CLASS PICTURES from Freedom School.  These class pictures need names of students and teachers plus their grade (s).  These items, which have been donated by several Freedom residents, need to be grouped into like categories in preparation for future displays.  We are the lucky recipients of three display cases which are waiting to be filled.  No special skills are needed for this project, just a love of Freedom history.  Light refreshments will be provided.  Entrance to the school will be through the south/back door off the deck where handicap parking is available. All others please park on the east side.  Our programs are free and open to the public.  PLEASE come and help YOUR historical society prepare for setting up displays.

 All our upcoming programs will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month beginning at 7 PM.  The May 14 program will be an Antique Roadshow also held at the Drakesburg School.  The June 11 power point program on President Teddy Roosevelt and his daughter Alice is sponsored by Freedom, Mantua and Shalersville Historical Societies and will be held at the Shalersville Town Hall.  For questions or more information, call Judy @ 330.527.7669 and LMOM.
