Home Chesterland RockAbility, seeking musicians with developmental disabilities, to audition June 24 or June...

RockAbility, seeking musicians with developmental disabilities, to audition June 24 or June 26 at Metzenbaum/West Geauga Schools Transportation Bldg


Geauga County – RockAbility, an adaptive, integrated music project for musicians with developmental disabilities, is holding auditions for musicians with developmental disabilities (8615 Cedar Road / Chesterland, Ohio 44026 Metzenbaum/West Geauga Schools Transportation Bldg located behind Metzenbaum). The auditions require registration and sign up for a 15 minute time slot – email annemarie@npowerservices.com

RockAbility welcomes musicians with disabilities into performance-based musical projects. Participants have the opportunity to play and perform with mentor musicians who are actively performing and recording in various genres of groups throughout NorthEast Ohio. RockAbility was formed in January of 2022 and has performed in open-mic nights, local jam sessions, fundraising and special events as well as 2 full-length concerts. The group performs as a small ensemble or in its entirety 8-10 times per year. This is the first time auditions are being held and are due to the group’s popularity. Musicians will have an opportunity to play something they have prepared as well as be asked to jam with a couple of our mentor musicians. If you are interested in being a mentor musician, contact us.

How to Schedule:

Send an email to annemarie@npowerservices.com to register and coordinate your 15-minute audition slot. We’ll have times available Sat., June 24 starting at 2 p.m. or Mon., June 26 starting at 7 p.m.

What to do / Expect:

Get practicing on your most rockin’ song! Drum set and keyboard will be available, otherwise, please bring your instrument! Just like rehearsals and performances, prospective musicians need to arrange transportation to and from the audition as well as be ON TIME. This will be part of the audition process. Once all of the auditions are complete and the RockAbility staff has a chance to sort through all the talented applicants, they’ll notify everyone of their placement or what they need to work on for next time.

What is RockAbility?

RockAbility is a performance-based musical project which integrates musicians with disabilities with local mentor musicians. RockAbility’s mentor musicians are local artists, many of whom have life experience with someone who has a documented disability. RockAbility places musicians with disabilities into situations where they can bring their existing skills to a project that can help elevate everyone’s abilities. All rehearsals and performances focus on musicianship and teamwork. Participants are expected to practice their parts ahead of rehearsals, which are devoted to learning how to put songs together, collaborate, problem solve, and compromise.


  • Increase confidence
  • Build community connections
  • Elevate self-advocacy
  • Establish & build touch-points with audiences
  • Demonstrate integration in action
  • Improve musical skills
  • Have fun and rock out!

RockAbility exists as a quality-of-life program for musicians with developmental disabilities so they can have something productive and constructive to do. It is offered free of charge to client musicians.

NPower Services is grateful for the support of individual sponsors as well as the Geauga County Board of Developmental Disabilities, the Metzenbaum Foundation, and Jewish Family Services Association.

What RockAbility Isn’t

RockAbility is not a music instruction organization run by music teachers. We do not gather during rehearsals to teach people how to become drummers, guitarists, singers, or play any other instrument. RockAbility is not intended to be a source of income for any client musician.

Inclusion and diversity in action

Musicians with documented disabilities who want to level-up their skills while working with our mentor musicians are welcome to contact us. A successful audition demonstrating an ability to play an instrument or sing is required to participate. Currently, space constraints prohibit the group from accepting everyone, however, the group is looking to expand services in a non-performance track.

Mentor musicians provide guidance, suggestions, and musical camaraderie. They offer constructive suggestions to the clients who need help finding the beat, staying on pitch, or working out a few kinks in a solo. Often, mentors show up at practice early or stay late to help a client musician work on specifics. Although the emphasis is on spotlighting the musicians with disabilities, mentor musicians can step in and help carry the material as needed.

NPower Services thanks the Geauga County Board of Developmental Disabilities, the Metzenbaum Foundation, the Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities, and Jewish Family Services Association for their generous support and sponsorship of RockAbility. This undertaking would not be possible without them.


Anton Albert Photography