Home Garrettsville Restaurant Provides Local Grants

Restaurant Provides Local Grants


The Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation was formed in 2005 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. At that time, Firehouse Subs founders loaded a truck and traveled to Mississippi to help feed first responders and survivors of the massive storm. It was there they learned first-hand, how ill-equipped many local departments were and began a mission to help. In 17 years of operation, the Firehouse Subs Foundation has provided over $67 million in grants to first responders in departments and organizations across the contiguous United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada.

The Foundation offers grants to first responders around the country, enabling organizations to purchase lifesaving equipment that limited budgets may not allow. Garrettsville resident Bob May, who works for the Firehouse Subs in the Corporation’s real estate services, noted that any lifesaving department in the country is eligible to apply for a grant. So even though the closest Firehouse Subs locations are in Mayfield Heights, Boardman, and Belden Village, May encouraged Community EMS Chief Chris Sanchez to apply.
“Every Department needs something,” May noted. “If we can help in a small way, it makes all the sense in the world, so they can use their budgets in another way.” May continued, “The Foundation is one of our best-kept secrets, and we’d really like to share it.”

Sanchez was delighted to share that Community EMS has been the grateful recipient twice – the first for a Polaris Ranger UTV/4-wheeler with transport device that can be used to haul an injured person to safety. The grant also supplied a trailer to haul the UTV and trailer. The generous grant of $24,054 facilitates off-road rescue; in addition, the equipment is used to provide medical assistance at JAG football games and at Garrettsville’s annual Summerfest event. A second, subsequent, grant provided the department with rope rescue equipment to help facilitate assistance to those injured at Nelson Ledges.

In addition, the Garrettsville Police Department received a grant valued at nearly $24,000 for the purchase of a dozen MARCs radios for their team. Both the Garrettsville and Hiram Fire Departments have benefitted from the Foundation, with Hiram using the grant to purchase cordless ‘jaws of life’ (hydraulic apparatus used to pry apart the wreckage of crashed vehicles in order to free people trapped inside). According to Hiram Fire Chief Bill Byers, without a cord tethering the equipment to a vehicle on the road, first responders’ have better access to victims in remote rescue situations that require off-road access. In addition, the Garrettsville Fire Departments, and Ravenna Township Fire Departments have also benefitted from the Foundation’s generosity.

At the end of each quarter, a list of grant applicants is shared among the organization’s Board of Directors, restaurant owners, and stakeholders so the group can determine which grants will be funded. Grants are issued on a quarterly basis, and are open to fire departments, law enforcement, EMS, municipal & state organizations, public safety organizations, non-profits and schools. In addition, the Foundation provides scholarships to students pursuing or advancing their careers in the public safety sector.

For more information, visit firehousesubsfoundation.org.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography