Home Schools Residents Voice Concerns about Coach at BOE Meeting

Residents Voice Concerns about Coach at BOE Meeting


Windham – The Windham Board of Education (BOE) meeting was held on February 27, 2014 with all board members in attendance. Darryl McGuire, president of the BOE called the meeting to order. Melissa Roubic reported that Maplewood will add an animal science program to the career center.  Dawn Kilgore gave an update on Ohio House Bill 416, which is a bill that will add extra calamity days for Ohio schools for this school year only. Currently it has passed the Senate but has stalled in the Ohio House.  The sticking point appears to be the number of days being added, the senate wants to add four days while the house want to add only two. 

In the superintendent’s report, Gregg Isler presented the BOE members with a tentative calendar for next year to review.

Mr. Chaffee presented   Zachery Lewis with the Presidential Spirit of Community Award. Zach received a certificate and a letter from president Obama congratulating him for him dedication to volunteering to help make his community a better place. The award is given to those who are committed to volunteering and serving their community.

Principal Harry Selner gave the Katherine Thomas (KT) school report. He reported that the kids were holding their jump rope for heart, and the school had 72 % of their students represented at the recent parent teacher conferences.  KT now has 330 students enrolled which is up 16 since September. Mr. Robert Kujala reported that they have hired Star Therapy to do the school’s occupational therapy for students in need. Star has experience working with children and is expected to be a good fit for Windham.

In maintenance and transportation, Craig Alderman reported that the buildings were holding up well in the cold and they are continuing with the on-going maintenance. In transportation, he reported that two buses were down. One is being repaired in-house, the other is warranty work and is out sourced, he hopes to have them both back on the road soon.

The treasurer reported that the audit was completed and the post audit meeting is set for March 11, 2014.

Melissa Roubic also reported that she attended a school safety seminar and learned that the cafeteria and gym were the two most vulnerable places for students to be in during   a crisis. She said the seminar addressed bus attacks as well. Isler said he and transportation supervisor were aware of the bus risk and are working on a plan.

A couple of residents came to voice concerns on the planned hiring of Brian Kiser as football coach for another season, claiming his actions last season were unbecoming to the school and the community. After the BOE heard their concerns they entered into an executive session to discuss the matter. They returned to regular session and voted to re-hire Kiser. All members except Elaine Grant voted to re-hire Kiser.

In other BOE news the BOE hired baseball coaches, softball coaches, and track coaches, all pending adequate participation.

The board held a second executive session to consider the dismissal of a public employee ,  to consider the employment of a public employee or official.  There was no action after the executive session so the meeting was adjourned.

The next BOE meeting is scheduled for March 27, 2014 at 6:30 pm in the library at Katherine Thomas Elementary.


Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography