Home Ravenna Reed Memorial Library Strives to Reach All

Reed Memorial Library Strives to Reach All


In any community, across the country you can find a house of knowledge, better known as the public library. Here in Ravenna you’ll discovery, the beautiful Reed Memorial Library on Main Street is ever growing and extending enrichment to all who enter her doors seeking enlightenment.
The demand for what a community needs changes over time, depending on what is happening in a local area and the world. Advancements in technology, musical and poetry events, news about issues happening overseas, the interest to try out a skill are all things you can learn at Reed Memorial. The ever-expanding repertoire of what RML offers seems to have no limits these days. Every time I drive passed it seems something novel (pun intended) and unique is being advertised on the digital billboard out front.

Over the summer one such event was “Guitar Techniques and Sounds” a lecture/semi-tutorial given by local guitarist, Paul Moskun. Participants were encouraged to bring their own instruments to join in as the reason for different sounds was explored.

Moskun, presented the audience with a mahogany and Engelmann spruce grand concert style guitar, on which he proceeded to play Amazing Grace. Then those in attendance were asked to close their eyes and listen to how the sound from the second guitar resonated. It was made of rosewood which echoes, and cedar, a soft wood. When combined the acoustical noise that emanated was hollow and mournful. Moskun explained rosewood has more overtones that linger, while mahogany sounds tingy and didn’t ring as long when he played. The difference in depth and pitch was discussed and the presentation ended on a “high-note”!

RML also exhibited its 2nd Annual Tiny Art Show in August where the library gave out miniature canvases. Original artwork created by those with various skill levels had been previously on display in RML’s new gallery space located in the lower level.

The hard-working staff of RML are brilliant at what they do by continually ensuring there is a smorgasbord of activities to suit everyone’s taste. Storytimes, book clubs, local history events, movie nights and drop-in tutoring are just a few of the growing public services the personnel provided.

Adult Services Manager, Darlene McKenzie, explained that with the increase in programming they have seen an uptake in the number of people coming in and using the library. “Craft programs and local history are very popular.”

For example, on Saturday, November 11th from 1:30-3pm a class called Nothing New-Makerspace: Upcycling Studio will be held. McKenzie said crafters will have the opportunity to experience the Cricut Maker, a computer-controlled cutting device. A Cricut can be used to design and cut materials like paper, felt, vinyl, matboard, etc. The library’s sewing and embroidery machines along with dress-making tools will also be available.

“Things are always changing,” said McKenzie. “So, we just try to keep up.”

Information on upcoming events can be found at www.reedlibrary.org. Reed Memorial Library is located at 167 East Main Street, Ravenna.

Heather Scarlett