Home Portage County Ravenna Chamber Expands Focus to Involve Members

Ravenna Chamber Expands Focus to Involve Members


Ravenna – Unique opportunities are in store for your store! Running a business can be difficult; it’s your dream and a headache all at once. The hours of hard work pay off when you see a happy shopper leave your place of business. But the second you have to deal with payroll, human resources issues or maybe just an unsatisfied customer you start banging your head against a wall. You’re not the only one, most business owners struggle with similar issues. Don’t despair. The Ravenna Area Chamber of Commerce has an outlook for 2020 that can help you explore ideas and meet mentors who can help guide you with your business goals and help you celebrate the milestones.

They have continually offered networking opportunities at Rise & Shine, Un-Wind with Ravenna and Hour of Power. All programs are meant to help with entrepreneurial development in various forms. For example, this week’s upcoming Rise & Shine will be a holistic treat of yoga that is free to any chamber members. This is an opportunity to network and build professional relationships trying a new activity. It will be on Thursday, Feb. 20th from 8-9am at The RAC located on 530 N. Freedom St. and any non-members who would like to attend will be charged $10.

Executive Director Ryann Kuchenbecker stated the Chamber has always wanted to include ALL  businesses. “Each year we try to enhance and grow not only the outreach but the benefits that are offered to our members.” It is a new decade, and with that in mind, as well as  a focus on a bright and shining 2020, the Chamber is committed to Ravenna’s thriving development.

“Over the past few years participation has grown drastically; more and more businesses and community members are linking arms and moving forward in a positive direction.” Collaborative efforts between local organizations, city revitalization groups, members and businesses have all contributed to this wonderful transformation. Ravenna is the place to be and not just out of necessity, but because you want to be a part of its rebirth.

New benefits being offered in 2020 include a How-to-Guide from the chamber, access to PerQify-Marketing and promotional services and corporate discounted rates for the Ravenna Athletic Center. Members are also eligible for the cost saving benefits the Chamber receives from partnering with the Northern Ohio Area Chambers of Commerce. Kaczmarek Insurance is a certified agent through the Chamber’s Membership with NOACC. Health insurance through them can and has saved money for members.  “Our goal is to educate our members on what benefits they can receive from programs such as this,” Kuchenbecker said.

Interested individuals can email the Chamber at ravennachamber@att.net or call 330-296-3886. For information on becoming a member and upcoming events checkout www.ravennaareachamber.com and Facebook.

Heather Scarlett

Anton Albert Photography