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Puppy Tails


A beautiful morning awaited Doodle Dog as he wandered down the main street of town. Chasing leaves had been so much fun, but now he wanted to take his time and see everything there was to see. The crisp air turned just a bit colder which meant winter would soon be here! As Doodle Dog turned the corner from the office, a fluff of icy snow landed on his nose. It melted instantly, but there was more where that came from ~ soon dozens of snowflakes dotted wet spots all over his coat! Doodle Dog jumped after a few that floated down from the sky and scampered after some that managed to escape his paws. The frosty finds were refreshing and soon Doodle Dog was wide awake. Shaking briskly to get dry, he showered water droplets all over the sidewalk and a few nearby trees.

Just up ahead, Doodle Dog noticed several people enjoying the day as well. Many had big, bright packages in their arms, but others were simply strolling along, peering in at the shops every so often. Holiday decorations lined the streets and the storefronts, and it was cloudy enough that the streetlamps and strings of colored lights shone a little brighter. What a perfect day to do some window shopping!

A little girl and her mother were standing in front of a quaint store, looking at the charming window display. The woman had her hand to her ear and was speaking loudly to a tiny little person Doodle Dog couldn’t see, and held her daughter’s hand tightly as she spoke. The woman was too tall for Doodle Dog, and too busy to notice him, but the little girl was just the right height and she smiled sweetly when he came over and gently nudged her free hand with his nose. The little girl giggled and waved as Doodle Dog continued on up the path, making sure not to get under the feet of all the other shoppers. He paused at another store, brightly lit from the inside and smelling of gingerbread, and put his front paws up on the ledge to see a little better. A few of Santa’s elves posed in front of a small house covered in shreds of snow that didn’t melt, with a tiny sleigh full of presents bigger than it was! Doodle Dog looked at the pretty scene in the window and then down the street at all the people hurrying to get home with the giant packages from their Christmas lists. Doodle Dog thought about what HE might want for Christmas and immediately he knew:

Doodle Dog hurried home to the office and asked me to help him write a letter to the North Pole. Not to the Big Guy in Red, though. No, Santa was surely busy getting all the toys for all the little girls and boys ready. Doodle Dog thought of someone even better:

Dear Santa’s Reindeers, he began.

All the reindeer are very smart, especially Rudolph ~ he’s the brightest of them all! Doodle Dog knew if anyone could help him with his wish, it would be them. He has everything he needs ~ a warm place to sleep, yummy snacks, and a family who loves him ~ but Doodle Dog thought of all his four-legged friends around the world that may not have the same.

Dear Santa’s Reindeers,

My one wish this Christmas is that all the cats and dogs and other animals will be able to find a warm home and a family to hug them forever, and that they may know, wherever they are, that they are loved. I know it’s a big job, but if anyone can help me, you can!


Doodle Dog

He signed it with an inky paw print and sent it right away ~ Christmas will be here sooner than you think and he needs all the help he can get!

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography