Home Portage County Pot O’Gold Poker Walk/Run Planned in Ravenna

Pot O’Gold Poker Walk/Run Planned in Ravenna


Ravenna – Imagine a bunch of leprechauns winding their way throughout Ravenna, collecting cards for a chance to win $500!  That’s what is planned for the 16th annual Marlene Watt Memorial Poker Run which will be held on Saturday, March 14, 2020, at Ravenna City Park (165 Oakwood St.).

All proceeds from the event go to the Ravenna Parks and Recreation Youth Scholarship Fund allowing underprivileged youth in Ravenna community the opportunity to participate in Ravenna Parks and Recreation sports, camps and programs.  This event is open to all who just love to go for a walk or run, including families and furbabies!

Participants can register three ways; online at www.ravennaparksandrec.com, by mailing in registration or stop by the Ravenna Parks and Recreation Dept. 530 North Freedom St. Ravenna, 44266, by phone 330-296-2864

The Early Bird entry fee for the 3 mile run/walk (2 mile option) is $27.00 per adult and $17 per child until February 29, 2020.  Early Bird registrants will be guaranteed an event shirt and a swag bag.   


Anton Albert Photography