Home Portage County Portage Treasurer Debuts New Card Payment System

Portage Treasurer Debuts New Card Payment System


Ravenna – Portage County taxpayers now have a more secure, modern, and lower-cost option for paying their property tax bills with debit and credit cards with the debut of a new system in the office of County Treasurer Brad Cromes.

The system, which is supplied by the Treasurer’s payment card vendor Point & Pay, utilizes chip-and-pin technology to ensure transactions are transmitted securely. “This is the same technology that’s now common at restaurants or the grocery store,” said Cromes. “It greatly reduces the likelihood of fraud, helping protect the county and our taxpayers.”

In addition to chip-and-pin transactions, the system gives users the option of paying by what’s called near-field communication (or “NFC”). “Most people know this technology as ApplePay or AndroidPay,” Treasurer Cromes explained. “This technology lets people pay by tapping their card, mobile phone or other enabled device on our payment terminal. NFC is considered the most secure and modern payment option available in the industry.” Cromes is so confident in the technology, in fact, that his was the first tax payment transmitted to the County using the new system. He explained, “I want to assure our taxpayers that this option is safe and easy to use. This upgrade puts us at the leading edge of local governments with respect to payment tech, and we’re excited about being able to offer it to taxpayers in Portage County.”

The fees Point & Pay charges for use of this service – which flow directly to the vendor – are lower than those under prior agreements, as well. Payments made by VISA/Mastercard debit cards cost $3.50, and other credit/debit card transactions carry a fee of 2.39% of the total transaction cost. The minimum fee for credit card transactions is $2.00.

For a full list of payment options, taxpayers should visit the Treasurer’s website at http://www.co.portage.oh.us/treasurer/Payments.htm, or call the office at 330-297-3586.
The first installment of property tax bills for the year were mailed earlier this week, with payment due by close of business on February 25, 2020.


Anton Albert Photography