Home News Portage Parks Educational Programs and Hikes For The Month of September

Portage Parks Educational Programs and Hikes For The Month of September


Discover the Crooked River –  9/6/14 9:00am – 2:00pm

Join Park District volunteer naturalist on a leisurely float down the Cuyahoga River enjoying the last days of summer. Meet at Camp Hi and we will be shuttled to Eldon Russell Park and make our way down to Camp Hi looking for king fishers, beaver, and maybe a river otter. Please call Camp Hi 330-569-7621 to register. Cost is $15.00 which covers the cost of the shuttle and canoe.


Meet the Beavers  – 9/7/14       Breakneck Creek     6:30pm-8:30pm

Make your reservations now for a night at the beaver lodge! Maybe not  AAA rated, but luxury accommodations  for our furry friends. Join a Park District volunteer naturalist as we discuss this industrious creature and hopefully see them preparing for the winter at one of three active beaver lodges located at Breakneck Creek.


Geology of Towner’s Wood and Lake Pippen – 9/14/14  Towners Woods  10:00-12:00

What is the origin of Lake Pippen and why is it significant. What evidence or clues might lead us to think that the glacier did indeed leave its mark on Towner’s Woods. Come and join the Park District volunteer naturalist let’s see what we can find.


Whats in Franklin Bog?  – 9/28/14   Franklin Bog   2;00pm -4:00 pm

No its not Bigfoot or the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Maybe buried treasure?   Join the Park District volunteer naturalist and we will search over hill and dale, well, actually, a “bog” to see what hidden gems might be lurking there.


Don’t forget to participate in the Wild Hikes Challenge.  More information can be found on-line at http://portageparkdistrict.org


Anton Albert Photography