Home News Portage Park District Seeks Commissioner Applicants

Portage Park District Seeks Commissioner Applicants


Portage Park District Commissioner Chuck Engelhart recently completed his 9th year on the Park District’s and decided to retire his commission instead of seeking reappointment to another term. Commissioner Engelhart is greatly appreciated for the knowledge, experience and integrity he brought to Portage Parks at a time of great growth after the passage of its first levy.

The Park District is seeking applicants for the vacancy on the 5-member Board, to be appointed by Portage County Probate Court Judge Patricia Smith. Park Commissioners are a non-partisan governing body of the Park District, a public agency, and serve an unpaid 3-year renewable term. Interested citizens can find the Park Commissioner Job Description and Application Form on the Park District website www.portageparkdistrict.org.  Applications will be accepted until the appointment is made. For more information, contact the Park District office at 330-297-7728.


Anton Albert Photography