Home News Portage Park District Guided Nature Hikes and Educational Programs

Portage Park District Guided Nature Hikes and Educational Programs


Looking to embrace the beauty of the outdoors? Portage Parks offers a variety of educational activities, outdoor adventures, and numerous other events throughout each season. Listed below are several upcoming hikes and programs designed for you to get outdoors and explore.


Guided Nature Hikes and Educational Programs

Aug. 3 – Afternoon Stroll 2 pm -3 pm

In conjunction with the Lions Club Sweet Corn Festival at Beckwith Orchards, join the Portage Park Staff on a leisurely stroll down the Hike and Bike Trail beginning at Lake Rockwell Rd. and sauntering to Breakneck Creek. See what wildflowers might be in bloom; listen to what birds might be singing in the area, discuss the importance of Breakneck watershed and talk about how the area looked 100 years ago. Distance 2 miles


Aug. 10 – Night Hike Dix Park  8 pm -10 pm

Come join the Portage park staff on a journey through Dix Park using only your ears! Is that a Grey Tree Frog? What is the difference between a Katydid and a cricket sound? We will see if there are any owls in the neighborhood. We will also discuss bats and their importance in the ecosystem. If we are lucky we might see an opossum or raccoon! Distance 2 miles


Aug. 19 – What’s in and around Seneca Ponds 1 pm – 3 pm

Come join the Portage Park staff in walking around Seneca ponds. Learn the difference between Dragonflies and Damselflies and why they are important. What is the difference between a snapping, painted, and box turtle? What frogs might live in the pond? What snakes might be in the area? Who knows maybe we will be able to see, hold, and get an up close look at some of the inhabitants of the pond. Distance 1 mile


Wild Challenge Hike Schedule

Aug. 10 Dix Park Night Hike -8:00 pm

Aug. 17 Seneca Ponds 2:00pm

Aug. 24 Berlin Lake Trail – 2:00 pm

Sept. 14 Morgan Preserve 2:00 pm

Sept. 24 Chagrin Headwaters Preserve 2:00 pm

Oct. 5- Headwaters Trail Rt 700- 2:00 pm

Oct. 26 Headwaters Trail Buchert park 2:00 pm

Nov. 9- Franklin Bog Preserve 2:00 pm


Stay tuned for more upcoming hikes and programs



Anton Albert Photography