Home Portage County Portage Park District Announces Winter Programs

Portage Park District Announces Winter Programs


Portage County – Portage Park District launched its winter program calendar this week with a variety of programs and workshops for all ages and ability levels. Winter programs include educational hikes, Park Rx health and wellness, crafting, geocaching, history, group hikes and more. Park patrons can get a copy of the winter schedule in a park kiosk, at the park office or view the schedule on our website. Programs are free to attend, and registration for programs is encouraged in case of inclement weather. 

Some upcoming programs include: 

Doggy Howliday in the Park – Saturday, December 14, 10 a.m.- 12 p.m., Towner’s Woods Park

We love how many dogs and dog lovers visit Towner’s Woods every day! Bring your dog-friendly pooch to the park to celebrate the holiday season. Show off your dog’s best holiday attire, take a picture with your pooch by our holiday wall selfie, or join your fellow canine lovers for a hike! We are so excited to meet your favorite canine friends! 

Crafting Nature Ornaments – Tuesday, December 17, 6 p.m., Towner’s Woods Park

Looking for an outlet for your creativity? Nature has many beautiful treasures that can used to decorate our Christmas trees! Bring your natural treasures from home or use what we provide. Join us to make your own nature ornament!  All children must be accompanied by an adult. 

Christmas Bird Count – Saturday, January 4, all day

The Portage Park District is once again partnering with Hiram College for the annual Christmas Bird Count! Volunteers will bird watching and track their findings for the day. 

Park Rx: Yoga for back health – Tuesday, January 7, 6-7 p.m., Sequoia Wellness

Kick off the Park Rx Winter Series with a relaxing Yoga for Back Health session with our friends at Sequoia Wellness. Class focus will be on poses that relieve pain and ways to get stronger and avoid pain. 

For more information, visit www.portageparkdistrict.org or call (330) 297-7728. The Portage Park District’s mission is to conserve Portage County’s natural heritage and provide opportunities for its appreciation and enjoyment.


Anton Albert Photography