Home Other Areas Portage County’s Real Heroes To Be Honored

Portage County’s Real Heroes To Be Honored


Aurora – Each year, the American Red Cross presents the Real Heroes awards to those residents of Portage County who have acted courageously and selflessly in a time of emergency, often at great risk and sacrifice to their own personal safety and well-being. These ordinary individuals have acted courageously by reaching out to help others in times of greatest need. Disasters were averted and lives were saved.  This year’s event will be held on Saturday, April 14 at 10 am at the Bertram Hotel and Conference Center in Aurora.  Cost for the event is $25.00 per person.  Reservations may be made online at www.summitcounty.redcross.org, or by contacting Shelley Sprang at 330-535-2224 or shelley.sprang@redcross.org.

The morning’s festivities include breakfast (starting at 10:00 am) followed by the awards ceremony. A number of hero recognitions are planned, including the presentation of the inaugural Robinson Memorial Hospital Portage Paragon Award to local businessman Neil Wilson Mann, Jr., president and CEO of Allen Aircraft in Ravenna. The American Red Cross of Summit and Portage Counties created the Robinson Memorial Hospital Portage Paragon Award in association with Robinson Memorial Hospital to honor exceptional Portage County citizens who have demonstrated active support of the lifesaving missions of both the American Red Cross and Robinson Memorial Hospital.

Among those receiving the Red Cross Real Heroes Award are college students, Paul Marschik (The University of Akron) and Jared Atkins (Kent State University), who rescued Constance Mellott, a professor emeritus from Kent State University, from her burning home.

Others receiving awards include Kent State University student  Eric Johnston, Kent Police Officer   James Ennemoser; Jane Ladd, R.N. (Ravenna); Mark Meyer (Aurora)  and Aurora Police Officer Dale Riley;  Alexander Melomed (Streetsboro Police Department Dispatcher); Ravenna Police Officer  Jason Burrell; Sara Newpher (Streetsboro Police Dispatcher) and  Blood Services Hero  Zane Lutz – (Ravenna High School Senior).
The Red Cross welcomes everyone to attend this uplifting and unforgettable event. Join us as we celebrate the selfless acts of these truly outstanding individuals. Reservations can be made online at www.summitcounty.redcross.org or by contacting Shelley Sprang at 330-535-2224 or shelley.sprang@redcross.org.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography