Home We're All Invited Portage County Gardeners’ will host “Dr. Wildweed” as the main speaker

Portage County Gardeners’ will host “Dr. Wildweed” as the main speaker


Garrettsville resident and historical interpreter/naturalist, Foster Brown, will be appearing at the Portage County Gardeners Center 5154 S. prospect St. Ravenna, Ohio (Rootstown Twp.) April 14 at 1p.m. in the guise of Dr. Wildweed, an old-time herbalist. Through fiddle playing, storytelling and audience participation, Dr. Wildweed emphasizes that, “Every plant has a purpose, and every plant has a story.” Using familiar wild plants, he “treats” common illnesses with herbs and humor, and reveals the uniqueness of the plant world. Mr. Brown has been with the Cleveland Metroparks since 1996. He has produced several award-winning children’s music albums revealing the joys of nature, and songs and stories of the early days in Ohio. Mr. Brown’s recordings are available through the Cleveland Metroparks.

Join us for the fun which is free and open to the public. For non- members, those wanting a noon luncheon should make reservations by April 4th for a cost of $7.00 by calling Marilyn Tyger at 330-348-6089.


Anton Albert Photography