Home Mantua Plein Air Painting in Mantua

Plein Air Painting in Mantua


Mantua – According to the Artists Network, plein air painting is about venturing outdoors to paint or draw the landscape while out in the landscape. While the practice dates back for centuries, it was transformed into an art form by the French Impressionists. Fueled by their desire to paint light and its ever-changing, qualities together with the invention of transportable supplies, plein air painting took off. The term “en plein air,” is the French expression for “in the open air,” where plein air paintings are created.
Although the name of the technique comes from the French, this Saturday in a town named after an Italian city, Mantua’s first plein air painting contest will take place. Plein Air event organizer Dean Olson, a former art teacher and owner of a local painting and wall covering business, shared details of the event, which takes place during Mantua’s Art on the Hill festival.

Olson noted that artists must stop by the Plein Air tent at the bottom of the hill to have up to two canvases, pieces of watercolor paper, or other material stamped for inclusion in the contest. The cost for adults to participate is $40, while children aged 8 through 19 can enter for $15. The contest is open to painters of all ages and experience levels.

Artists can register from 8:30 am to 10 am, with the actual painting/creation time beginning promptly at 10 am. Beginning at 10 am, artists may bring up to two canvases or Artists are able to travel 10 minutes on foot wherever inspiration leads them. Painters are encouraged to set up around the village to paint anything within a 10-minute walk of the festival. Olson explained that the village offers a plethora of subjects for would-be artists. Possible subjects include historic buildings, Victorian homes, as well as natural wonders along the Headwaters and Esker Trails and the Cuyahoga River.

According to the plein air contest rules, artists must return their artwork to the tent by noon to be considered for judging, which takes place from 12:30 until 1 pm. Winners will be awarded at 1 pm, after which time, paintings will be auctioned off, with 40% of the proceeds given to DMRC/Art on the Hill. According to Olson, children’s entries are not required to be auctioned; though if they choose to do so kids will receive 100% of the proceeds from their artwork.

To learn more about the plein air art contest, visit revitalizemantua.org to check out a video created by CHS high school students. In the video, they share an artful interpretation of what to expect at the plein air art contest. The artist/host aptly named Vincent, suggests some inspiring places artists may consider capturing as they head out to paint en plein air.

Completed artwork must be returned to the tent by noon for consideration in the contest. Judging takes place from 12:30 to 1 pm, where winners will be chosen by a panel of judges. In addition, Art on the Hill visitors have the opportunity to cast their votes for the ‘People’s Choice’ winner. From 1 pm until 2:30, artists and visitors may bid for the opportunity to take home their favorite pieces.

Also, be sure to tune in to Channel Eight/ A New Day Cleveland on Friday morning, July 8th. Dean Olson and representatives from the DMRC will be in studio to share information about the Plein Air contest and Saturday’s Art on the Hill festival that takes place in Mantua from 10 am until 6 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography