Home News Pierce Road Repairs Topic of Township Meeting

Pierce Road Repairs Topic of Township Meeting


Nelson Twp. – Nelson Township Trustees met for their regular scheduled meeting last week with all trustees, fiscal officer and twelve guests in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jim Turos.  Fiscal Officer, David Finney presented the minutes from the last two meetings which were approved as presented. Mr. Finney also presented the proposed 2013 operating budget, after some discussion, the trustees approved the budget. Discussions were held on the Pierce Road Project. The road is now open but last weeks heavy rain has caused some erosion problems.  The trustees agreed that Snavely Excavating will need to come back and fix the erosion issue. In the meantime, the trustees voted (Jim Turos no, Joe Leonard and Tom Matota, yes) to retain 4% of contracted monies owed to Snavely Excavating until they are satisfied that they have met the contract’s requirements. Snavely sub-contracted out the paving to Ronyak paving who will also have to come back and fix a few things.  

After discussing the Pierce Road issue, Turos stated “That this is the biggest waste of township money. The cost for the Pierce Road Projects was ridiculous. The township employees could have had the job done for a lot less money,” Turos stated.

Turos was referring to the $20,000 the township had to pay out for the project. The total cost of the project was around $95,000, with $75,000 of it coming from Ohio Public Works Grant.

Turos recommended that in the future any grant applications be examined by all trustees prior to submission so they can determine if the benefits from the grant out weigh the conditions of the grant such as matching percentages, engineer studies, deadlines etc.

The grant for an American Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant ramp for the Community House was discussed.  Mr. Finney said they were able to negotiate a grant providing the work was completed by August 30, 2012 and the facility is offered as a free polling place for eight years. Concerns were raised about whether they could meet the deadline and if there was any grace on the deadline. Leonard will check to see if there is any grace on the deadline but he doesn’t believe there is.  The trustees authorized the fiscal officer to do the necessary paperwork so the ramp project monies are appropriated in the budget. They also passed a resolution to do the ramp if the deadline is flexible. A special meeting is scheduled for July 25, 2012 at 7:30 at the Community House to approve the appropriations for the ramp project.

Finney also reported that they would have to re-apply for the Moving Ohio Forward Grant to demolish uninhabited, dilapidated houses, due to the county restructuring the governing body for the program. The trustees agreed to re-apply for the grant. The township expects to demolish three vacant homes that have been declared uninhabitable, one on Ely Road and two on Pierce Road. The township will pay for the title searches on the properties. The township still needs a health department to issue their ruling on the condition of the houses prior to demolition.

The bid packages for the chip and seal of Bloom, Chalker and the west end of Pritchard Roads are ready and will be advertised.

The Road and Bridge Levies will expire at the end of this year. The two levies are 2 mills each. The trustees will have the auditor certify their request and include estimates on how much funding they can expect it to generate for renewal levies vs. replacement levies. They will then determine whether the two levies will be replacement or renewal levies. Once they determine whether to do replacement or renewal levies, they will be placed on the November ballot for voter approval.

The trustees approved paying the bills and wages as presented by Finney.

Leonard reported that they need to advertise for a Zoning Commission member as one has resigned. They will advertise it in the paper. He also reported that he would like to see the tree project move forward at Pixley Park; therefore he is searching to see if there are any grants available for the project. A discussion was held on making the Community House a cooling center for seniors in the community or for those who do not have air conditioning when the temperature soars to the 90 degree mark. Most thought it was a good idea but they are unsure if there is really a need for one at this time.

Road Supervisor, Chuck Vanek reported they will be replacing the culvert on Hopkins Road and the road might have to be closed overnight. Trustees are ok with that as long as the proper emergency personnel are notified of the temporary closure.

Two representatives from the Concerned Citizens for Ohio were in attendance to ask if they could use the Community House on July 26, 2012 at 7 pm for a public meeting on water contamination from injection wells, hear what proactive things Garrettsville is doing and how to protect their ground water. Trustee approved the use and waived the fee for the facility.

Resident asked if the trustees would approve having the piano tuned so the senior group that meets there could use it. They agreed to do so.

The trustees meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Community House. More information on township news can be found on their website. www.nelsontownshipohio.org

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography