Home Schools PDA – Public Display of Art

PDA – Public Display of Art


Garrettsville – Garrettsville’s newest piece of public art is quite smashing.  Pictured on the cover you can see the progression of their work – and artists Carly McLoskey, Sam Buganski, Annie Wilthew, Chris Mathews, Karen Root, Edena Rankin, Clarke Kolmorgen, Samara Pasek, Arianna Beskur, Austin Bracken, Jeff Lange, Michael Paolone, Lauren Greathouse, Selina Slaughter, Shelby Grenzow, Mike Heisler, Kayleigh Mathews  and mom, Samantha Beskur.
The new work is replacing the old representation of a mill wheel which was on the former wall of the railroad overpass on Windham St. (St. Rte. 82) east, west of Sky Lanes.  Both drew upon local history for their inspiration and they have showcased the ideas and imagination of their creators and their community.
Don’t stop the car in the middle of the road to look but check out the locomotive depicted on the wall there.  Do you see what the print in the striking red circular engine front spells out?  Do you see the date?  Nice job of making a coherent whole of their artistic aims and their historical motivations.
And to see who did the actual work on the piece, see who’s got poison ivy.  They’ve had to suffer for their art.  Michelangelo would be proud!

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography