Home Iva's Input “Over My Dead Body”

“Over My Dead Body”


Or words to that effect….the topic of a recent program presented at the Freedom Historical Society on July 19, 2024 at their lovingly-restored Drakesburg School #2…all about cemeteries and, specifically, headstones, their features and care.
The topics covered included cemetery law in Ohio (The states are all different, even the counties and townships have their own regulations for their facilities.), cemetery responsibilities, cemetery permissions & bequests, types of cemeteries (township, memorial gardens, Catholic, military, graveyards), and lots of discussion & interesting facts. Types of markers, maintenance, damage ( beyond vandalism, it can extend to chemicals, plants & animals, power washers & equipment, gravity & time), all got mentioned and discussed–fascinating. Information on headstone restoration, cleaning (carefully) , costs, preservation, plots & maps, types of burials were all topics presented. Especially interesting was the mention of the Ladies of Arlington, a group which takes great care of that revered national cemetery and those who lie therein; other similar groups function around the country (and abroad) at other national cemeteries. Noteworthy too, was the emphasis on granting veterans proper respect beyond Memorial Day. The Mausoleum Mavens gave attendees plenty to think about.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography