Home Geauga County Nominees Sought For “John Murray Commitment To Families and Children” Award

Nominees Sought For “John Murray Commitment To Families and Children” Award


The Geauga Family First Council is seeking nominees for the tenth “John Murray Commitment to Families and Children Award.”

The award is presented on a bi-annual basis to individuals in Geauga County who have exhibited a continuous commitment to Geauga’s families and children, coupled with a special passion for their work. The Family First Council is seeking nominees who go “above and beyond the call of duty” in supporting and advocating for children and families. This year there will be two categories – one for volunteers (either as direct service or board member) and one for human services professionals. 

Nominations must be received by September 30, 2019 at the Geauga Family First Council offices, 12480 Ravenwood Drive, Chardon, Ohio 44024. Nomination forms may be obtained by visiting the Council’s website www.geaugaffc.org or by calling 440-285-1201.


Anton Albert Photography