2022 Twins Day Festival Princes Noah and Drew Jursa were born in Youngstown, Ohio, and attend James A. Garfield Schools in Garrettsville, OH. These identical twins are sixth graders currently in Advanced Reading and Math classes. Their GPA’s are nearly identical despite never having been in the same class until this past school year. Noah and Drew are Arrow of Light Cub Scouts, Food Drive Volunteers, and their family hosts an annual food drive that includes a “Pictures with Santa” event for the community.
Mutual interests include history, space, and science and their greatest love is animals of all kinds. Both of our Princes want to work with animals one day, either as Zoologists or in animal rescue efforts.
Flawless in Twins Days attendance since they were three months old, they have participated in the parades with elaborate floats and costumes as well as in the contests every year.
As Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome survivors, they have made an unconscious effort to be as different as possible. One was born by Cesarean birth, while the other, natural. One was healthy and the other had to stay in the NICU for a week. One came home from the hospital in the winter, the other in the spring. Despite how different they’ve always managed to be, they are still as close as any identical twins should be.
Their favorite part of the annual Festival journey is meeting up with a very dear set of twins who share the same first names. Though our Princes are only in middle school, and our Kings are college graduates, what a bond they share! Congratulations to Princes AND Kings Noahs and Drews!