Home Freedom NGCC Launches “0 to 100” Campaign

NGCC Launches “0 to 100” Campaign


Garrettsville – NGCC wants to share with you an exciting new campaign called “0-100” that will help us reach many more individuals who are in need of our services.

Currently, NGCC is open to the public four days each month to serve individuals who attend or reside in the James A. Garfield Schools community. In the last two years, we have realized that a growing number of our clients not only struggle to acquire the food they need, they also have difficulty making it to our physical location at the Garrettsville YMCA due to a lack of transportation.

The 0-100 Campaign seeks to tackle this obstacle by allowing NGCC to make monthly home deliveries to any individual or family in our service area.

The goal of the 0-100 Campaign is to acquire 100 recurring donations of at least $5 per month by May 1st, 2021. Once our goal is reached NGCC will purchase a cargo van and take our services on the road, delivering food to those in need in our community.

To become a 0-100 Donor, simply visit ngccportage.org/donate, type in your donation amount and check the box to make this a monthly donation.

We will celebrate each donor on our social media channels and send them a 0-100 Donor sticker to proudly display on their vehicle.

Our organization has been able to help hundreds of people in our community get through some very difficult times. If our volunteers are the engine that makes NGCC work, the support of our community is the fuel that keeps NGCC running.
We are excited to share the 0-100 campaign with you today and are more motivated than ever to find new ways to shut the door on hunger in our community.

Please consider becoming a 0-100 donor today and sharing this message to help spread the word.
On behalf of the NGCC Board, all of our volunteers and clients, thank you for your continued support.

Ted Lysiak

Anton Albert Photography