Home Other Areas Newton Falls Schoolmates Reunion

Newton Falls Schoolmates Reunion


Newton Falls – The Newton Falls Schoolmates and Friends 94th Reunion was celebrated June 15tg at DeVieste’s Banquet Room in Warren, with 374 people in attendance. Welcoming the schoolmates were: Connie Swartz Ansley, Jenny Gordon Clark, Diane Winters Coss, Kathy Rudolph Fowler, Jackie Hrenko Kanaan, Kathy Kezele Lewis and Louise and Wendell Montgomery, all members of the class of 1964.The Rev. Calvin Mason offered our invocation.
This year, on behalf of the schoolmates members, the board awarded four $500.00 college scholarships to graduating Newton Falls seniors. They are: Jarred Crowder who will be attending Westminster; Andrew Ferguson who will be attending Malone; Abigail Harrah who will be attending Kent; and Dale Kernen who will be attending Cincinnati.
Retired teachers, school nurses and school staff present were introduced, thanked for their service and their presence. We shared the names of departed schoolmates this past year and paused with a moment of silence in their honor.
Jenny Gordon Clark introduced and “gently” roasted our honored class of 1963. During the roll call of classes, special recognition was given to 6 schoolmates present from the years 1930 through 1944 – Robert Elmore, Dick Glass, Bea Lamport, Jean Lewis, Lucille Moore, and Al Sipka. We also paid special recognition to our most recent graduate present – Josh Chicko, who graduated in 2003. The decade covering the years 1960-1969 had the most schoolmates present.
Our winner for the “Keeper of the Town Pump” this year were; Pat & Steve Kennedy.
Our schoolmate traveling the farthest this year was Art Monteville coming from Honolulu, HI. The family with the most members present this year, was the Jewell Familt, with 10 members.
The schoolmates voted unanimously to honor Evelyn Balls with the position of Trustee Emeritus for her long years of service to the association. Trustees standing for re-election included, Linda Bennight, Mary Margaret Hildack, Jim Paisley, Tom Palmer, Megan Perrine, Merial Price, and Gary Stefaniak. They were reelected. Members elected Diane Winters Coss to the board representing the class of 1964 and Judy Gensburg representing the class of 1965.
The Rev. Reid Lamport closed our meeting with benediction.
Next year’s reunion will be June 14th, 2014, at DeVieste’s. The class of 1964 will be honored for their 50th anniversary.


Anton Albert Photography