Home Other Areas Newton Falls Perennial Garden

Newton Falls Perennial Garden


Newton Falls – Kiwanis Club of Newton Falls would like to thank several donors who helped us create the perennial garden at the corner of Broad and Center Streets.  Newton Falls TOPS donated 17 perennials after their plant sale.  Mayor Lyle Waddell donated time, labor and water as we set up our garden.  Susan Holub and Chris Drake donated all the extra plants from their plant exchange May 25 at the Community Center.  Kiwanis member Alma Griffith provided care for the plants at her home until our May 30 planting date, and brought potting soil to help improve the quality of the ground.  She also coordinated the planting arrangement. Other members donated plants, too.  Eric Read, friend of Kiwanis, helped us dig and plant for several hours.
Kiwanis hopes everyone will enjoy the perennial garden.


Anton Albert Photography