Home Schools Newton Falls Exempted Village Schools News

Newton Falls Exempted Village Schools News


Newton Falls – Tickets are on sale at the Superintendent’s Office located at 909 ½ Milton Blvd., for the upcoming Newton Falls Tiger football season from 7:00 am – 2:00 pm. The cost for reserved season passes for 5 home games will be $40.00. We also have a 10-game pass available for adults to purchase for $50.00, and students 10-game pass for $30.00, which is good for any varsity game, i.e., volleyball, soccer, football or basketball.

We appreciate the support that the community of Newton Falls has given to the football, soccer, golf, basketball and volleyball teams. The first football game will be August 23rd, away against Southeast, kick-off is at 7:00PM. We also have TIGER cards on sale for $10.00 in the central office.

If you are a senior citizen (65 years of age or older & retired) and a resident of Newton Falls, you are eligible for a complementary senior citizen’s pass. This will admit you to all home games. See Mrs. Dunlap in the Superintendent’s Office for tickets and passes.

The first day of school for students is Tuesday, August 27th, 2013. There is a waiver day Monday, August 26th, 2013 for the entire Newton Falls Schools staff for a professional development day. Open houses will be held on Monday, August 26th as follows: Newton Falls Elementary – 6:00-7:30pm; Middle School 5:30-7pm and Jr./Sr. High School 5:00-6:30pm.

Times are the same as last year: Elementary, 8:20am-3:15pm, Middle School, 8:25-3:25pm and Jr./Sr. High School, 7:25am-2:28pm.


Anton Albert Photography