Home Trumbull County Newton Falls Community Backpack Program Thank You’s & News

Newton Falls Community Backpack Program Thank You’s & News


Newton Falls – With the help and support of Newton Falls Schools, churches, and the community, the NF Community Backpack Program has continued to serve children of our schools. This project is meant to supplement a child’s meals and snacks. We are ready to begin again for the new school year. We would first like to thank our donors from February and second semester.

For their continued financial support, we thank NF Kiwanis Club and the Ladies Guild of Sts. Mary and Joseph Church. We also thank those who donated directly to the backpacks account at ASECU, including Ohio Tax Lady whose customers donated generously, and anonymous donors.

We received food donations from a several folks who brought food into the school, Nadia at Healthy Treasures, Pricetown United Methodist Church, Mike Serotko, NF First Christian Church, and from the boxes at NF United Methodist Church, Associated School Employees Credit Union, and Healthy Treasures. Many cases of food were donated. We again thank Mr. Clark at Newton Falls IGA and Mrs. Spicko at Shop ‘n Save for donating plastic bags for the food items. Your generosity is so appreciated. Vacation Bible School at NF First Baptist Church “knocked one out of the park” by collecting 343 jars of peanut butter for our program.

For donating new and used books, we thank Friends of the NF Public Library and their teen volunteers who prepared books at the library, Rick & Debbie Braun, Bob & Kathy Wujcik, Nancy Hoffman, the Chambers family, Betsy Siman and Western Reserve Kiwanis Club, and the Church Mouse. Thank you to George and Penny Culver for notepads, stickers, and pens/pencils/crayons to add to the bags at the beginning of second semester. We appreciated the toiletries donated by Steve and Lori Babbey.

We thank the following folks who helped with the weekly packing for second semester: NF Kiwanis Club, Lori Babbey, NF First Christian Church, National Honor Society members, NF United Methodist Church, Montana Difford and Autumn Young, employees of Associated School Employees Credit Union, and Braceville United Methodist Church. We accidentally omitted Pattie Keffer from the first semester helper thank you’s and include her here.

As a reminder, recipients are chosen by the school staff, and bags are distributed by school’s office. You can stop by any of the box locations to get a pocket-sized mini-grocery list for our wish list of foods. Monetary donations can also be deposited at ASECU; request your name/group’s name in the memo line. We also thank those who donated anonymously or forgot to leave your name. You are so appreciated.

You can reach us through NF Kiwanis Club’s website: http://newtonfallskiwanisclub.webs.com
Thank you, Newton Falls and our supporters!


Anton Albert Photography