Home Trumbull County Newton Falls Community Backpack Program First Semester Thanks

Newton Falls Community Backpack Program First Semester Thanks


Newton Falls – Donations to the Newton Falls food-in-backpacks program continue to help supplement meals for local students. We thank the following folks who supported the program from October into March.

For donations of funds, we thank NF Kiwanis, Sts. Mary and Joseph Ladies Guild, Don and Carol Baker, Elsie W. Fowler , Ohio Tax Lady’s office and clients, Braceville United Methodist Church Sunday School K-6 classes and Kuchta Farms, and two anonymous donors.
For donations of food, we thank donors at NF Middle School and at Ohio Tax Lady, Lisa Serotko, Kiwanis members, Newton Falls First Christian Church, and those who contributed to the food boxes at NF United Methodist Church, Associated School Employees Credit Union, and at Healthy Treasures. For bags to back, thanks go to Newton Falls IGA and Spicko’s Shop n Save.

For help moving cases and packing food, we thank Ron Benson and Kiwanis Club members Bob, Edd, Beth, Rita, and Joel.

For books—we include a book with each bag of food—we thank the Church Mouse and those who donate children’s books to the Church Mouse. We thank Kiwanis members Bob, Kathy, and Nancy for books, as well as Broad Street Vintage. Kiwanis member Kathy donated pencils for second semester, and Newton Falls Lions Club donated 90 full-sized toiletries.

We thank those individuals and groups who packed food on Wednesdays at NF Middle School: Newton Falls First Baptist Church, Newton Falls First Christian Church’s Eileen Stroup and family, Braceville United Methodist Church, Newton Falls First Church of the Nazarene, community members Pattie Keffer, Lori Babbey, Art & Peggy Dunn, and Kiwanis members.

Our program also wants to thank the knitting ladies of Newton Falls United Methodist Church who donated 105 pairs of slippers to the children. Thank you to Mrs. Knoske and Mrs. Peace who helped distribute those to K-6th graders.

Finally, we thank NF Exempted Village Schools and Supt. Woodard for the storage room and the help of the staff who determine recipients and coordinate the distribution of the food. Thank you all.


Anton Albert Photography