Home Other Areas Newton Falls Chamber Of Commerce Report

Newton Falls Chamber Of Commerce Report


During the May meeting of the Newton Falls Chamber of Commerce, the focus of the discussion centered on the Association’s members. Though the Covered Bridge sign on Route 5 and First Street is full, there is still one spot available if anyone is interested in advertising there. Currently a space holder is simply filling in for the time being.Linda Nord, a local resident, was officially welcomed as a community member and her application for an individual membership was approved.In old business, membership renewals are due as the membership year runs from May 1st to April 30th. Plans to revamp the website are in the works, with the intention to increase benefits for current members by way of spotlighting businesses or setting apart those involved in other ways.  If anybody wants to contribute ideas for this project, please contact Shawn.In new business, the Association is continuing to discuss ideas on how to draw new members. Anybody in the community can join whether they own a business or not, and since the organization is officially the Newton Falls AREA Commerce Association, that means members do not have to live in the vicinity of the town itself to be an affiliate. Membership dues vary based on voting privileges and distance from Newton Falls. More information can be found at http://www.nfaca.net.In other news, plans for the citywide garage sale are under way. The dates for the sale will be August 5, 6, and 7. Registration forms and information on how to participate by having a sale that weekend will be available soon.  A motion passed to support the Fourth of July Committee by purchasing $100 worth of raffle tickets. In past years, the Association has bought tickets with the intention of splitting any monetary prizes, if won, by giving 50% back to the Fourth of July Committee.Highlights from the City Manager’s memo include that the legislation concerning contractor registration has been tabled by Council for at least ninety days as they are looking for alternate ideas before a decision is finalized. Also mentioned is a plan to officially name the park between Shop ‘n’ Save and the waterfall. If Council decides at the next meeting to dedicate it as “Veterans Park,” the ceremony would take place following the Memorial Day service. This year’s Arts in the Park festival is being planned for late summer. Anyone interested in helping out should contact Christine Newman.The Association’s next meeting will be Tuesday June 14th.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography