Home News Newton Falls Chamber Report

Newton Falls Chamber Report


Newton Falls Chamber - HalloweenNewton Falls – During the October meeting of the Newton Falls Chamber of Commerce Association, holiday planning was the main topic of conversation.

With Halloween just around the corner and organizing for the Christmas season in full swing, there was much to be discussed.

Starting off the meeting, a proclamation of thanks was presented to Falls Home Remodeling and “Santa” Rick for their part in the improvements of Veterans’ Park, designating them now as “members with distinction” and recognizing their efforts in the business community.

No update on the progress of the yellow sign as of yet, but the mini-committee is planning to meet soon to brainstorm possible resolutions.

As for the holiday news: Trick-or-Treat was held on Thursday, October 28th from 5-6:30pm. However, it should be said this is a fact that not everyone in town is in complete agreement with.  Newton Falls is the only town in a long list of surrounding cities that schedules the candy hunting on a Thursday; it is Friday or Saturday for most every other town, or whichever day falls on the actual holiday itself. The reason for the Thursday evening festivities is that, traditionally, Trick-or-Treat is set in accordance with the Cake Walk, typically the Thursday before Halloween, so that residents can display their costumes during the later event. However, as some locals have expressed, this allows carloads of children from OTHER towns parking in central parking lots and converging en masse upon Newton Falls, since they can then participate in their own Trick-or-Treat celebrations on the weekend and go home with double, or triple, the expected sweets.

City Manager Jack Haney mentioned at the meeting that although the time and date had been officially set – albeit not by a unanimous vote – Council will look into adjusting the hours next year.

As for the upcoming Home 44444 the Holidays on December 11th, planning is well underway with a good response so far filling vendor slots. There are more open spaces available, though, so anyone still interested should contact the association and claim their spot! Those in attendance at the meeting were also expressing their opinions about the costs of putting on the event and in turn the corresponding holiday parade held on December 4th. It was revealed that although Home 44444 the Holidays will be at the high school this year, at this point the Newton Falls High School Band will not be marching in the parade. Organizers may, in fact, even have to pay for a marching band from another town to participate in our parade because the NFHS band director has opted out of performing for this function and she is under no contractual obligation to do so. Anyone wishing to comment on this situation should contact the high school office directly.

The City Manager reported completion of the River Street Project, grant applications for the First Street Project, the announcement of two November elections for the city: the General on November 2nd, and a Special on November 4th, and the placement of new planters on the West Broad Street pillars. Downtown has been redecorated for the season by the Flower Beautification Committee with cornstalks donated by Montgomery Farms.

Finishing the agenda was the election of next year’s officers. The nominees for all positions ran unopposed and are therefore Shawn Donley, President; Betty Gwara, Vice President; Lara Reibold, Secretary; and Tanya Allman, Treasurer.

The Association’s next meeting will be November 9th.

Staff Reporter