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Newton Falls Car Show


Newton Falls – Fans of Pixar’s “Cars” movies would have been delighted to visit Newton Falls this weekend as the small town’s streets were filled with street rods, convertibles, trucks and all manner of eye-candy on four wheels. Although the automobiles presented were not actually the characters from the films, car lovers of all ages were treated to a tantalizing display of vehicles in every shape and size, some even resembling the likes of Lightning McQueen (a Chevy Corvette), Sally Carrera (a light blue roadster) and a sparkling representation of supporting cast members. As onlookers perused and cruised through the 26th Annual Car Show, registrations continued to file in at a steady pace and the number of cars vying for any one of an array of over one-hundred glittering trophies in various general and specialty classes had passed the 200-mark by lunchtime.

On the beautiful, sunny day, the First Christian Church once again held their Strawberry Festival to provide show goers with an opportunity to enjoy a mixture of berries and cake or berries and ice cream. When it was just too impossible to decide, many simply asked for “the works” – a piling of all three!

Music reminiscent of the eras represented by the various cars had people “dancin’ in the streets” and kids were kept entertained by the chance to be the first to spot various show organizers and earn a miniature Hot Wheels of their own. A Chinese Auction and 50/50 raffle meant there were more winners than just those who brought their cars, and donations accepted will be put toward the Fourth of July festivities that are quickly approaching.
On Sunday, the same streets were lined again as the treats on two wheels took center stage for the Annual Bike Show, proving that an event-packed summer is only just beginning in the 44444!

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography