Home Other Areas Newton Falls Area Commerce Association

Newton Falls Area Commerce Association


Newton Falls – The Newton Falls Area Commerce Association gathered at Roby Lee’s for their June meeting and continued the discussion on how to bring more members into the group. Appropriately, the agenda started off  by welcoming two new members: first, representatives from Warren Township were acknowledged as a recent addition; and secondly, yours truly became an official member as an independent advisor for Lia Sophia, a jewelry company with a home-party business model similar to Tupperware and Avon.For current members, a reminder was given that yearly dues are, well, due. A list of businesses that have not paid up by the May renewal date was announced, with the conclusion that if the fees are not sent in by July 15th then the Association will assume those businesses no longer wish to be members. Those who have spaces on the sign near Route 5 are especially encouraged to renew promptly.In old business, the NOACC application is still underway. The Association expects to be set up as members by the end of June. Joining NOACC is one of the ways in which the NFACA is making providing more benefits for its members a priority. Plans for the citywide garage sale are in full swing. As a reminder, the dates for the sale will be August 5, 6, and 7. Registration forms have been available in previous editions of The Villager and can be accessed online through Facebook – search for Newton Falls Community Wide Yard Sale. Early Bird Registration (by the end of June) is only $5 and that covers the permit, placement on the map, and event advertising. If registering in July, the cost is $10. Take note: in Newton Falls, residents are always required to obtain a permit to have a garage sale. Permits for this weekend’s event are only issued through the Yard Sale Committee, so if you expect to have a sale that weekend, you MUST have a permit by contacting Linda Nord at 330-872-7788. In new business, Home 44444 the Holidays has been scheduled for December 10th. A planning committee will be forming soon.In lieu of a formal City Manager’s memo, appreciation was extended for those who attended Relay 4 Life over the weekend.There will be no Association meeting in July; the next gathering will be the annual member picnic in City Park on August 9th at 6pm.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography