Home Newton Falls News From The Newton Falls Area Commerce Association

News From The Newton Falls Area Commerce Association


Newton Falls – Hmmm. Many years ago, if one asked most people about Newton Falls, one might get something to the effect that it is a small town somewhere east of Ravenna, or west of Warren. Very little detail.  Very little enthusiasm. Some out-of-towners might have heard of the area for two reasons; the 44444 zip code, and the 1985 tornado that devastated much of the downtown area.  My, how that has changed! There is now a whole lot going on in this small town.  There are unique and wonderful businesses lining Broad Street, there are many festivals through out the summer and into the autumn, there is a push to preserve the only standing USO building in Ohio, and now there is a Concert in the Park Series.  Who is behind this seeming renaissance of Newton Falls? Although there are many organizations building up this NE Ohio best-kept secret, the Newton Falls Area Commerce Association (NFACA) deserves much of the credit.

In 2015, it was called the Newton Falls Chamber of Commerce, in 2016 it was changed to Newton Falls Area Commerce Association.  The acting President, Tom Colosimo, sat down with this reporter for an interview at his delightful store, Fieldview Acres Mercantile.  He joined the NFACA about two years ago.  He served much of that time as Vice President, under the leadership of Pam Priddy, President.  Recently, Pam (co-owner of Broad Street Café) has left her position there to take on the duties of Acting City Manager. (Best of luck, Pam!) That leaves Tom as the Acting President.  The position of VP is currently vacant, the Secretary is Niobe Trickett and the Treasurer is Bill Schaulis.  Membership is open to area businesses and individuals.  The mission of NFACA is to “promote and support Newton Falls, Ohio area businesses in the community, communicate concerns of businesses to government officials, function as Good Samaritans without personal liability, and will be non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian and apolitical.” They meet twice a month, the second and fourth Tuesday, currently alternating locations.  Although it started small, with just a few Mom and Pop businesses, it has grown to be over 150 members, including small to large businesses and individuals. Contact information is available on their Facebook page, of the same name.  Their phone number is 330-872-4015.

With the growth of the association, comes the need for a space of their own.  Through a mutually beneficial agreement with Dr. Verbanic, NFACA is renovating a commercial home at 17 East Broad.  It is being pressure washed, steps are being repaired, and it is getting ready to be painted.  Currently white, it will be painted colonial blue with cream trim, and a burgundy door.  It sits on near the corner by the First Christian Church, overlooked by Newton Falls’ own Lady Liberty and shaded by recently pruned trees. Inside, they will showcase artwork from area artists, including Edward Sinchak, who designed the Sinchak Tiger for the school system.  They will also spotlight original pieces of the Covered Bridge, preserved during its renovation. 

The Association has many avenues to promote Newton Falls.  Many hope to see the 44444 become a destination location.  After all, Newton Falls does have it all: not one-but two falls, a covered bridge, a statue of Liberty, lighted water tower, historic USO Building being restored, many parks, and now a great number of events.  Some events, such as the Fourth of July Bike Show and the monthly Farmers’ Market, are organized and carried out by other entities.  NFACA has an impressive number of fun community events, too!

Upcoming events include the Autumn in the Falls.  Scheduled October 23 from 10:00am to4:00pm, Broad Street will be closed to welcome food vendors, crafters and artisans.

Already past is the Community Garage Sales and Dicker Days.  If you couldn’t find a good deal, you didn’t go!

November 27 is the day of the Tree Lighting Ceremony.  Broad Street will also be closed for this, but not until evening, as the hours are 5:00pm to 9:00pm. Festivities include live reindeer, a performance by the high school band and choir, and a secret guest Master of Ceremonies.  The last one was Jim Trestle, so you never know who it will be!

NFACA has a scholarship Fund.  Every year, they hand out two $500.00 scholarships to high school seniors who are business oriented.  Often, this can contribute to the start-up capital for the young entrepreneur.

The Association is also working with the city to create a DORA, Designated Outdoor Recreation Area.  DORAs have cropped up in the wake of the pandemic, offering restaurants/bars a venue to serve clientele in as COVID-safe an area as possible.  Other area towns have already adopted them, such as Garrettsville and Kent.

They are now targeting commercial properties in the area and business interested in coming to the area.  Perhaps, they can introduce them to each other.  This eases the burden on both the land owners, and the businesses.  A match made in commercial Heaven…

Another aspect of the Newton Falls Area Commerce Association is ribbon-cutting ceremonies for new businesses.  Most recently, they had a ceremony for Eagle Creek Tactical, as well as FWD Ministries.  Upcoming ceremonies are planned for a daycare and a smoke shop.  Those scissors are going to be busy!

NFACA has also begun the Concert in the Park series. Proceeds from this series go to  a memorial for the 1985 Tornado. On May 31, 1985, a F5 tornado touched down in Portage County, between 5 and 6:00pm.  It then rampaged through Newton Falls, Niles and Hubbard, then on to Pennsylvania.  About 400 homes were destroyed or badly damaged, as well as most of the town itself.  Thankfully, the sirens alerted citizens to the danger and personal injuries were few. The NFACA memorial is a tribute to that fateful day, and the spirit of Newton Falls citizens as they rebuilt their beloved town.

 Held in scenic Commerce Gazebo Park, the Music in the Park Series has been a great success.  So far, area musician Jim Gill has performed, as has the Speed Limit Band.  Jim is a busy musician, playing venues from wineries to festivals.  The singer/songwriter is known not only for his soulful lyrics and masterful guitar work, but his amusing storytelling as well.  More information is available at jimgillmusic.com and also Facebook Jim Gill Band.

The Speed Limit band is very local and thus, dear to Newton Falls.  Though young in years, they perform classic rock.  They have also performed at the Champion High School Stadium for the Rotary Club, and Charly’s Restaurant in Austintown. They are playing on the 19th at the Lion’s Club Cruise-In Show.  Look up Speed Limit Band on Facebook for more information.

The Concert in the Park Series will be wrapping up for the season on September 25, with a performance of Celtic Rush, (it is planned to start next year as soon as weather allows.)  Based in the Akron Area, though one lives in nearby Paris Township, Celtic Rush is a traditional Irish Band with a nontraditional twist. They have performed in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.  As Halfway to Saint Paddy’s Day was September 17, this performance is timely.  Tom promised Reubens!  There will be water and soda for sale.  You are also welcome to bring your own refreshments. Grab your chairs and coolers, and get your Irish on!  They promise to sing your favorite pub songs! For a sample of CR’s music, head to Celtic Rush Band on Facebook (be sure to Like them,) and www.celticush.com. 

Ethel Wupperman

Anton Albert Photography