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News From Mantua Village


Mantua- At the December 2018 meeting, resident Jason Wysong presented Council with documentation from the Ad Hoc Committee that was convened with the goal of gathering facts, information, and ideas regarding the current state of the village’s water treatment plant & waste water treatment plant. Initially, the group reviewed the August 2018 WTP & WWTP Facilities Plan prepared by the county. The general consensus among committee members was that the information appeared to be accurate. Among other suggestions, the committee recommended that council conduct an independent review of plants in order to establish a net value prior to dissemination of a bid package.

Wysong explained, “The committee discussions kept coming back to the question – what is the current net value of the water and wastewater treatment system within the village? A lot of information has been obtained identifying the future costs to continue operation and make needed upgrades to the system, but what is its current value?” Two committee members, Roger Hawkins and Ted Bixler, researched independent engineering companies with the appropriate expertise that could conduct a review and provide a current net value of the systems. Their research led them to Schreiner Valuation in Indianapolis, Indiana. Upon discussion with council, it was determined that Village Administrator John Trew would discuss the project with a representative from Schreiner Valuation and report his findings back to the group.

In addition, the committee suggested that council investigate the feasibility of converting the WWTP to a pump station. They also recommend attending neighboring city or township council meetings in order to discuss relevant issues for insight or potential collaborative efforts. The next Ad Hoc Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 16th at 6:30 pm at Jake’s in Mantua.

Trew reiterated the village’s desire to ensure water and sewer rates are stabilized for residents, and suggested that public ownership of these resources may better serve the village’s 496 customers. “We just don’t have the resources to keep them staffed 24 hours / seven days a week.” The contract with the county to run the WWTP, which was set to conclude at year’s end, has been extended through March 2019.

In other news, Trew reported that renovations are underway on Main Street at the former site of the Italian Garden restaurant. In addition, Trew is working diligently with the state for repairs to the Mats Road bridge, which is a crucial part of the expansion plans of a local business. Trew shared that he anticipates an answer from the State within 30 days.

In his Police Report, Chief Urso shared that the police and fire departments are in the process of commenting on the Crestwood Schools Safety report before the final report is complete. In similar news, he noted that State Troopers will be increasing their presence throughout the area with the goal of becoming more familiar with local communities. As such, residents may notice increased law enforcement presence at the district’s buildings. “Don’t be alarmed,” Chief Urso added. “They’ll be visiting to familiarize themselves with the buildings and the community.” Next, Urso shared that the department’s philanthropic efforts to raise funds during ‘No Shave November’ generated $120 in donations, which was given to the 4Cs Food Pantry in the form of Giant Eagle gift cards. The Chief also noted that between 25 and 30 children visited with Santa at the mini-park in Mantua.
Lastly, Councilman Dave Sluka reminded the group that on December 20th, the new law regarding distracted driving took effect within Village limits; he urged everyone to be aware of the changes.

January’s council meeting was held on Tuesday, January 15th at 7 pm; more info to come.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography