Mantua – Alex Forristal, Crestwood High School freshman from Scout Troop 575, led the Pledge of Allegiance to open a recent trustee meeting in Mantua Township. Next, Frank Horak reported on behalf of the Veterans Memorial Committee, that the time capsule of memorabilia relating to its installation has been buried. In addition, Mr. Horak also presented trustees with a framed plaque, which features the individuals, and companies who helped make the Veterans Memorial a reality. The plaque will be on display in the Township Hall. Trustee Jason Carlton thanked Mr. Horak and the Committee for their hard work on behalf of the Township.

As a part of his report, Cemetery Sexton Jim Aldrich shared that a woman living out of state, who had discovered the deed to several burial plots in the Westlawn Cemetery, had contacted him. The plots were originally purchased by her grandfather, and had been left in trust when her father passed on. They had been purchased in 1926 at a value of $2 per site, and are now valued at $175 each. She offered to donate the plots to the Township, with the condition that the Township purchase a small, permanent marker be added to memorialize the three infants who were buried in the adjoining plots. Trustees made a motion to table the topic to allow time to research the situation and the potential ramifications it may cause.

On behalf of the Service Department, Brian Tayerle reported that the team has been working to remove the record amounts of snow from township roads. He reported that 70 tons of salt is left in the shed. On a similar subject, Service employee Dan Wysznski asked the public to, “bear with us when we’re plowing. We’re trying to get out of the way as soon as possible.” He also urged motorists to, “Please be courteous.”

In other news, trustees discussed the need to publicize the fact  that township buildings are available for rental to the public. If you’re looking for a place to host a graduation or birthday party, baby or bridal shower, or any other gathering, the Civic Center and the Center School Gymnasium are available for rental with no residency requirements. For information on availability, call 330-274-2850.

Later, trustees discussed potential uses for a $500 grant from the Ohio Township Association Risk Management Authority (OTARMA). The money would be used for safety-related purchases such as updated lighting or safety gear for the Service Department, and must be used during the 2015 calendar year.

In old business, trustees discussed the four  committees currently at work focused on the renovation and utilization of the Center School building. Trustee Carlton asked that the times and dates of committee meetings be posted to the township’s website to maintain transparency. He noted that Todd Peetz, Director of Regional Planning, is the facilitator of the project, but that group chair people are tasked with setting meetings and communicating their progress to trustees. Trustee John Festa requested a minimum two-week notice for committee meetings.

Lastly, trustees discussed potential dates of May 9th or 10th for the annual Spring Clean Up event. Details will be forthcoming once a date has been confirmed. The next meeting of the Mantua Township Trustees will be on Thursday, March 5th at 7:30 pm in the Township Hall. Residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

I-80 Storage in Newton Falls, Ohio