Home Portage County New Registration System In Portage County For Covid-19 Vaccinations

New Registration System In Portage County For Covid-19 Vaccinations


As a vaccine provider, the Portage County Health District is required to transition to Ohio’s Vaccination Management System. The Portage County Health District (PCHD) is no longer taking registrations to be placed on the Health Districts vaccination appointment list. PCHD will be moving to the Ohio Department of Health Vaccine Management System for all future COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Clinics being held at the Kent State University Field House.
If individuals had previously registered with PCHD to be placed on the scheduling list, you will receive a call from the Ohio Department of Health to assist you in scheduling an appointment for vaccine at the Kent State University Field House.
To find a COVID-19 vaccine appointment near you, go to gettheshot.coronavirus.ohio.gov.

Please note: Appointments may not be available for the April 6th Mass Vaccination Clinic at the KSU Field House. These appointments are being reserved for the over 12,000 people who have registered on the PCHD registration to be placed on the appointment schedule. Once we work through our lists of those previously registered, availability for vaccine will be open for the Tuesday Mass Clinic at the KSU Field House.


Anton Albert Photography